WFMW: my bookmarks
Most people have multiple computers in the home right now. When I first started jumping back and forth between the laptop and desktop, it was a pain not to have all my bookmarks on the current computer I was on. I discovered
It took a little bit of work getting used to having 2 windows open all the time, and switching between them for bookmarks, but now I don't even notice, and I've got all my bookmarks handy no matter which computer I'm on.
I never heard of this, but I will definitely check it out since I, too, switch between the laptop and desktop. Thanks for posting this!
Thank you SO much for this tip! I switch between laptop, desktop and work computer and get so frustrated looking for things sometimes. I love WFMW!!!
I don't use the computer in the basement too much (it's mostly for the kids), but one reason I don't is because I miss my bookmarks! Also, with XP, even if dh is logged in (instead of me) and I just want to check something, I can't access "my stuff." This is great!
Cool! (Good to know ahead of time for when I get my second computer!)
I have multiple windows open all the time: for blogging, and just because my computer is so slow I get impatient.
~ Still praying for a laptop
Try Mozilla for the tabbed browsing. That way, you don't have to have several different windows open at once.
BP's Wife - I love Mozilla! Doesn't it make the tabbed browsing fantastic? Doesn't solve the bookmarks on different computers issue, though. :)
IE7 also has tabs - trying to get it to download now
also, try bloglines to keep all your blogs together
Delicious is also great for bookmarks - mine is here:
Glad it is working for you!
Oh this is just perfect.... we have 3 computers in the house and when I have to use one of the others, I find myself annoyed that I don't have my bookmarks. :)
Great tip :)
How handy! I had never heard of that. I will have to check them out. Thanks! :)
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