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I've moved!! Please update your bookmarks and visit me at http://rarelyhomemom.wordpress.com/ Thanks!
I've moved!! Please update your bookmarks and visit me at http://rarelyhomemom.wordpress.com/ Thanks!
Well. Perhaps he might be right. When my stat counter went boing I got curious, and figured out a freaky way that a lot of people were finding this site. Go with me now - I'm putting it in code so the exact phrase won't come up. Word 1: Short for Jacob Word 2: _______ the Train Word 3: IN Word 4: (opposite of over)-wear Apparently, those 4 words lead all these people to a now-deleted post of mine that had me laughing as my older son put Thomas the train undies over his pants and refused to take them off. The post was complete with a picture, that is also now deleted. I'm sure the googlers were disappointed, as I did some homework of my own and decided that they were most likely looking for this guy in his shorts (even though he's only in high school! which must just thrill his poor mother).
Tioga has his first vet appointment tomorrow. Josh and Jacob still don't have a local pediatrician. And Jake never had a well child 2 year check up (his shots are all up-to-date, though) and Josh is due for shots in a few weeks. Switching insurance is such a pain.
The joke in this post made me laugh, but the comments made me almost pee. How's that for an unoriginal post? But you'll laugh, I promise.
Last night was a great opportunity to catch up on lost sleep. Or so I thought. I was so tired that I knew I'd fall asleep faster than usual - and I fall asleep fast. Well, I stayed up too late watching Monday's The Closer. Then I was kind of riled. So there I was in bed, making lists of people I forgot to call back and jobs I forgot to do and things I forgot to buy and on and on. You know how it works when everything comes rushing back just when you lie down, right? But I've not finished unpacking the bedroom, so my nightstand is next to me, but without my paper or pens inside. I finally fell asleep, got Josh when he woke up in the middle of the night, and put him next to me in Nathan's spot, where he fell back to sleep pretty quickly. But from then on, I was only able to half sleep. I was having dreams of chasing Tioga in the house, keeping him from doin' his thang on my new floors. They were so vivid that several times I sat up in bed shouting "STOP!". True story. We got Tioga outside of a Wal-Mart, did I already mention that? Well, about 30 minutes before we ran into our future mutt, I walked past this clearance bounce house for the 1,379th time in about 4 days. There were only 3 left. Every time I saw that thing, I kept thinking about how great it would be to have in the snow or rain. All we'd have to do is throw it in the basement and the boys would jump themselves exhausted. After much serious mulling, I put the bounce house back. (Yes! After 5 or 6 trips to visit it, this was the first time it made it into my cart!) Nathan hadn't been excited about the idea previously, and I didn't feel like I could pop home with a surprise $100 purchase. (Although a bounce house for $100 is a steal, I might add.) We paid for everything else, left the store and found the dog. If I would have bought the bounce house that day, I would have most likely walked right past the dog. Coming home with 2 surprises in one day? Not a chance. I love this dog, I really do. But, last night, during my 'night terrors', I was really wishing I'd brought home that bounce house.
[I tried to post videos but don't have the patience to figure out the html problems. So if you're that interested, here: link to the videos
Oh, but a very different night from that Four Seasons night. When we first decided upon this new family dynamic of Nathan traveling more often, I had grand ideas. He would leave, and Jake, Josh and I would party. The zoo! The farm! The trails! The parks! The movies! And we would hardly have time to miss each other through all the fun!
Well. Well. I could sum it up by saying that while I was relaying the events that took place in less than one hour this evening to Nathan over the phone, I started laughing quite hard. And then I quite accidentally started crying. But they weren't those tears shed from laughing so hard at funny things. No. They were "I'm laughing because I'm trying not to actually cry but hot dang I'm exhuasted and the second you get home I'm escaping to a deserted island with only mindless reading, plenty of cable/satellite TV, a large stash of Netflix documentaries, and my Vita-Mix, so please hurry home quickly" tears.
But why sum it up when I can share the details?!
Before I do, though, let me say that the Universe bit me in the butt today. Yesterday, Tracy M had a post that I cringed and laughed and got warm fuzzied at. And I left a comment that said something like "your posts give me a glimpse of what my future holds". BUT - I meant my future in 2-4 years, not 24 hours. Good grief.
[I just took a couple hour break from writing this, and kept wondering if I really wanted to relive the night in all its glory? Sure, why not. Plus, when we're all in therapy, it will be helpful to have the accurate details.]
After we got home from a walk this afternoon, I took the dog to play in the backyard. I sat on the porch watching Jacob throw sticks at Tioga until Josh started crying from his swing. I got up to get Josh, and came back to see this:
Jacob. Stuck in mud. I couldn't find our little movie player fast (with sound! unlike our lousy Olympus camera), so instead you get this, best viewed with your left ear on your left shoulder and your head moving as if you were having a seizure. Go ahead and watch, it's not that long, and it's kind of funny to watch him keep falling down and try to walk around...
So I went back into the house and put Josh on the floor, I put Tioga on the short leash, hooked to the step, so he ccouldn't explore in the same mud puddle. Then I ran upstais, got a new Jacob diaper and a beach towel, ran outside, stripped him down to his diaper, and cleaned him mostly off with the faucet outside. Not an easy task, as we don't yet have a hose. There was quite a bit of upside down time. Since he wasn't all clean, I took both kids upstairs for an early bath. I figured that I might as well give Josh a haircut since it had been a month.
I used the wrong attachment to the clippers. Oops. Lots of "sorry Josh!"'s were heard and "at least you're a boy and your hair grows fast" to go along with the apologies. Boy, I felt bad.